1:1 Sessions

Atma Devi Is a dedicated teacher and devoted practitioner of Yoga, Classical Tantra, and Ayurveda. She serves as a reflection and transformational guide for others on the path to awakening their own sacred embodiment.

Shakti Life Embodiment guidance serves as an introduction to Tantra Yoga, and Ayurveda.  Our work together involves utilizing the senses as pathways to connect with your body, enhancing your awareness and preparing the mind for clear self reflection and meditation. By becoming more attuned to our physical vessel through the self care tools of Ayurveda and the energetics of tantra we can access a deeper sense of peace and presence. This process of embodiment entails unraveling conditioned patterns in our minds and rewiring our nervous system to experience greater pleasure, genuine joy and the true meaning of Yoga. 

Schedule your session(s) by sending an email below. One private session is a sliding scale between $150-$225. Pay what you can as I trust your integrity in this matter.  Make sure to set aside 2 hours.

Hatha yoga focuses on the physical body through postures and breathing exercises. In contrast, Tantra yoga emphasizes the energetic body by incorporating meditation and energy work. While Hatha yoga aims to strengthen and align the physical body, Tantra yoga seeks to balance and activate the subtle energy centers within the body. The practice of Hatha yoga is more visible and tangible, while Tantra yoga delves into the more subtle and esoteric aspects of yoga. Both disciplines offer unique benefits and can be complementary in a holistic way of life.